Saturday, February 11, 2012

Getting the Job

Hey everyone!

So this will be a blog where I will be chronicling my times as a musician at sea. The internet on the boat is 12 cents a minute for a 56k satellite connection, so the updates might be sparse.

So a lot of people have been asking me about how I got the job. There are two main ways musicians get cruise ship jobs, through the line's talent department or through an agent. I did the latter through a music agency. Either way, you need to apply with a resume and a video portfolio with some samples of you playing. About a month after I applied, they got back to me to schedule a video audition. They mailed me an audition packet with a few sheets of music and a cd in it. I had to open the packet on camera and sight read it along to a backing track on the cd. Then I was asked to play 8 bars in several different styles of music: funk, rock, jazz, samba, disco and so on. I uploaded it all onto youtube and sent the agent the links. I heard back about a week later and they told me I passed the audition. Then I waited. For two long months.

When I heard back from my agent, they told me that a certain cruise line was interested in hiring me, but I had to go through the pre-employment process. This included a bunch of medical tests, some questionnaires and a short personal bio. Once I got all of those into my agent I once again had to wait. It took the line another three weeks to get back to me with a start date, and then another two weeks until I got my tickets.

So, the process mostly took a lot of patience. Tomorrow I ship out! Expect a post about preparing to ship out soon.

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